Spreading Joy and Making Miracles Happen This Holiday Season

Spreading Joy and Making Miracles Happen This Holiday Season

Welp, friends, it’s here, “The Most Wonderful Time of The Year”! Who says????

We all don’t love the season; however, I believe (in Santa) that each one of us has joy and peace, and with a little outreach, we can be a miracle to someone this Christmas.

For years, we have been fortunate to provide medical supplies and equipment to several of the 13 in total State Supported Living Centers in Texas. The Centers operate 24/7 while providing quality of life to people with intellectual and developmental disabilities who need medical, habilitative, and/or behavioral support beyond what’s available to them in the community.

I have experienced the heartbreak of the caregivers and providers when patients are in need. The SSLC becomes a real, loving environment/home for the residents—a safe place. Thinking of the devotion, time and energy selflessly poured out each provider, gives me a greater sense of gratitude, and my problems and stress seem to take a back seat.

Consider the Texas State Supported Living Centers (SSLC) if you want a little blessing and stress relief during this Most Wonderful Time of Year. Their work and service to others much less fortunate is worthy of our support.

If you didn’t know, here are notable facts about a few of the SSLC facilities:


  • Opened in 1960.
  • The 189-acre living center is home to 375 people.


  • Opened in 1957.
  • The 200-acre living center is home to 242 people.
  • There are 1,118 full-time positions.


  • Opened in 1917.
  • The 95-acre living center is home to 180 people.
  • There are 804 full-time positions.


  • Opened in 1968.
  • The 241-acre living center is home to 320 people.
  • 1,314 full-time positions

In Joy, 


10th Dec 2024

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